Friday, October 29, 2010

spending time with friends!
I just had a couple of hours with my friend, Judy from Colorado Springs.
It was rich in conversation, and I wanted more time...
or lets say the time not to end, as it did so quickly.
It was great to see her and great to see how well she is.

Don't you love friends...
that you can really talk to...
get down to it....
let it all out ..
and know that it is okay?
I do!
I love the way the heart of a woman is made-
to give, listen, comfort, love, express, excite,
and grow from the experience being given.
I love my time with friends ...
friends that talk from their heart
and I can do the same.
I love that we need each other,
and we leave wanting more.
At least I do...
I want more time with other women,
whether I know them
as a new friend
old friends -
we all seem to pick up where we left off
and I love that we are able to do that.
I love how precious we are and how we are so unique.
All with our different gifts and beliefs, trying to be all that we can be...
I love that we all are of great value and belong...
To a wonderful circle of womanhood!
We grow together, share, express our fears, joys, and prayers....
We are fearless, loving, and real...most of all we are the real deal...
We feel for each other through our hurts, struggles, and surivial...
We give to one another
whether through an encouraging word,
a hug, our time, a meal, or even a gift or gifts...
As I have gotten older I cherish my time with my friends
and look forward to meeting with them again.
I thank God
for how
I am a very, very, very,
Blessed woman
to have friends...

Saving the world....

Security in the thought, that once one is given that cape, (the mantle, the coat of many colors, and jewels) and the nice tiara (A crown of royalty-VALUE) that -that would give me what I need to save the world or lets say be all that I was intended to be.


Interesting, that it would take that...(Cape, and Tiara-to feel of value or have the confidence or to think now, I have what it takes to do what I am called to do)

what is in the cape? what is it about a nice tiara?

: a sleeveless outer garment or part of a garment that fits closely at the neck and hangs loosely over the shoulders
: the short feathers covering the shoulders of a fowl

OK, that isn't it..must be more of a MANTLE or another word to think about is BLESSING!

Definition of MANTLE
a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak

b : a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority
AWE that is it!!!! And...

a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops

Examples of MANTLE
She accepted the mantle of leadership.

There is some importance in knowing the cape/mantle/Tiara- that God has placed on us as his child when we excepted him. The BLESSING per say...WE need to be BLESSED with that ordination of being given the cape/mantle/Tiara - we are then given or equipped by human terms to full fill our destiny of maybe not saving the world, but lets say being more than we could have ever dreamed of. Making a huge difference in just our being alive to those around. Sharing the love of God in a way that people are not the same, lives are changed, they are healed of sickness, fears, insecurities, reunited with children gone astray, families that disowned them for whatever reason are rejoined...and they are even saved from themselves, they know as a child of the King who they are, they are blessed and then they in turn do the same...
REMEMBER that movie, " Pay it Forward"?

Not that we are paying it forward but listen, what if, we were allowed to bless say 5 people with anything and then they in turn did the same and so forth...Isnj't that God? What if I say to you right now that I have a cape/Mantle and for the women a Tiara to go with that Cape, and it is going to change your life, and you will change others as well...would you take it and do it? NO limit on resources... REALLY!!! I know! Could be interesting and exciting to see the outcome.


I dream of my Cape and Tiara,

to be all that I was called to be (and even save the world, or the world as I know it and live it!)

YOU my child are of great value and worth more than any rubies, silver, or gold...I have given you the authority through my son's name to do even GREATER things than what he did (JESUS)...

(did you hear that?)

OH YES!!! Dancing with my Cape and Tiara on! :D

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Have you ever had one of those

Hmmmmm moments!

I have them all the time...


Or that release ....

do this just sit back

and breath in

and exhale with saying,




I know that is the

Hmmmmm moment,

I need to have all day long!

I know silly

isn't it?


there is something to this and I am not going to stop!


here I am GOD

having my

Hmmmmm moments!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jonah and the Whale..

Below was written by unknown author: I have highlighted area's...No plagiarizm intended-followed by my comments.
Jonah and the whale bible story.
Jonah’s story teaches us about obedience,
willingness of spirit, gratitude,
compassion and God’s patience and mercy.

The story of Jonah and the whale is too important to be left as just a children’s story. There are lots of life lessons in the Book of Jonah for children and adults. Jonah’s story teaches us about obedience, willingness of spirit, gratitude, compassion and God’s patience and mercy.

Jonah was a prophet from Galilee and his story takes place somewhere between 780 B.C and 760 B.C. During this period of history, Assyria was a powerful, evil nation and Israel’s most dreaded enemy. The Lord spoke to Jonah and told him to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and preach to the Ninevites. (Jonah 1:2) Jonah was supposed to warn the Ninevites to repent or suffer the consequences of their wickedness.
Jonah had other ideas, though. Instead of heading for Nineveh, he took off for Tarshish, Spain. His motives could have been fear. The Assyrians had committed terrible atrocities against the people of Israel: traveling into their midst would have been frightening. Jonah also despised the Assyrians and probably would have liked to see God punish them. Yet, Jonah knew God’s nature. He knew that if he preached repentance to the Ninevites, they would repent and God would spare them. (Jonah 4:2)
The sailors all question Jonah about what he’s done to bring this storm on them. He confesses that he is running away from the Lord’s will and tells the sailors to throw him overboard to spare their lives. This they do. (Jonah 1:8-15)

As Jonah is sinking into the sea, a big fish (whale) swallows him. (Jonah 1:17) Here we see God’s great mercy. He could have let Jonah suffer the consequences of his actions and drown. Yet, God intervenes and spares Jonah’s life. We often complain to God about the consequences of our sins but do we ever wonder how often He has spared us from consequences? I do think about that often...

Jonah sat in the whale’s belly for three days and nights. He spends that time in prayer, thanking God for saving him. He realizes the miracle that God has affected to save him and is truly grateful. I’m not certain how grateful I’d be sitting in a whale’s belly come day two or three. I would certainly have been glad at first, but possibly would have started complaining pretty quickly. This is often the case for people: we beg for relief from our circumstances and when it comes, we aren’t satisfied with it. But Jonah doesn’t complain. He is sincere in his prayer and God tells the whale to spit Jonah out on shore. (Jonah 2:1-10)

Then, the Lord tells Jonah again to go to Nineveh and preach repentance. Imagine being Jonah, walking into a city of your enemies and preaching a message that is bound to be unpopular. It would be terrifying! But, Jonah this time does as he’s told and amazingly the people repent. The king orders all to fast, put on sackcloth and beg for forgiveness. (Jonah 2:1-10)
There are a couple of important lessons here. Many Christians are afraid to talk about their faith. We don’t want to look foolish or be unpopular. We’re afraid of standing out and being different. There could have been no city less likely to repent than Nineveh, but when Jonah was finally willing to do as he was told, they did repent! Nineveh was so huge that it took three days to cross it.
all the lives spared by one willing voice.
Think of all that would have perished if that voice had not been there.
This same issue is with us today. So many are not saved or have never been told the Good News simply because some Christians have been too fearful to tell it. We have no way of knowing what someone will decide about Christ, we only have the obligation to tell people about Him.
can happen in people’s lives
when we share
the Word of God with them.
By withholding the Word, we are failing in our responsibility.

Nineveh is spared and Jonah walks away from the situation mad at God.
He builds himself a little shelter outside of town and pouts.
He thinks that God should have destroyed the Ninevites rather than spare them.
So angry is Jonah that he says he’d rather die than live!
“2 So he prayed to the Lord, and
said, "Ah, Lord, was not this what I said when I was still in my country?
Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that
You are a gracious and merciful God,
slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness,
One who relents from doing harm.
3 Therefore now, O Lord, please take my life from me,
for it is better for me to die than to live!" (Jonah 4:2-3 NKJV)

What Jonah is really angry about is that God has given the gift of salvation to a nation that Jonah finds undeserving. Jonah felt that it was wrong for Jews to be sharing their God with people they considered heathens. It may seem foolish to us that Jonah got mad at God for saving the Ninevites. Think about this, though.
Are there people that you resent and would like to see fail? Are there those that have wronged you and you’d like to get revenge on them? This is just what Jonah wanted.
Honesty, I don't think we want harm on people just justice! Let there be truth and justice!

God’s mercy and salvation is for everyone-we are all sinners none of us have arrived.
Sin is SIN ...there is not a yard stick on sins!

God tells Jonah, “11 But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals. Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" (Jonah 4:11 NLT)
Thankfully, God does feel sorry for us and spares us in spite of ourselves. He was able to use Jonah to deliver a message despite Jonah’s unwillingness and complete distaste for the message.
YOU may be asking, Deb why talk about Jonah? Well, I can see where I have been running away from God about certain things.
One the gifts,
Two the fear of others,-past hurts have been at the forefront of my mind and not wanting to have to see those, that I have allowed to hurt me deeply by their actions or behavior.
Yet, I see that just reconizing it and allowing God to heal and set me free from these things is the beginning of coming out of the Whale.
Things have been so stirred up lately in my life and the lack there of. I have been so focus on getting the job and car and maintaining. Not on the gifts that God has bestowed on me to be used -As the fear of having to move, or go somewhere that I did want to go, was there and made me tremble to the core of my being. Here is where God comes in, and holds my hand as we walk together down the path that he has prepared for me to walk down. As I allow my hand to grap hold of his, he talks to me and we get through this time in my life together.
This GUYS is healing!
I am going to embrace
the truth and listen to Gods voice and obey!
I do love sharing God's salvation and his word to others.
As well as, seeing people healed and set free!
I would hate that anyone would perish
not know the TRUTH
that does set you FREE...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

It is my Birthday!

Happy Birthday to ME!

This is going to be a GREAT YEAR...

Of course, I said that last year and it was!

I had a great time last year,
and this year is going to be the GREATEST!

New friends and reconnecting with old Friends,
Great places to visit


Great opportunities...

spreading the love of God,

to those that one would never know.

THIS is going to be a GREAT


YOU are just now coming into yourself,

in ways that are a GIFT ....
Happy Birthday to ME!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


We all have them whether, it is a converstation on the phone, email, or even Facebook. We as people, are subject to error even in the little things. Or we can say sometimes that others don't hear our true heart.
Have you been there?
Oh, now come on-
we all have at some point.
I re-act to the words that are being spoken when one is trying to express their point of view, that may be not all the truth! I don't have to agree or even try to defend my stand, but there are times when defending one's stand is necessary.
I am
like everyone else stating the verbage of the sinful man...
No REALLY! comments are
that is just BS, or REALLY NEED I say more?
you get the drill.
Right or Wrong
it is me reaction to someone else reacting to words that have been spoken. That is guys,
and how those WORDS can be taken correctly or incorrectly!

We are going to give life or death, according to scriptures with our tongue throught the words that are spoken. I recently had a discussion with a friend or let say a disagreement, that torn me up inside, as I could not believe what I was reading from their reaction to some simple flipit words that were being spoken by me. I was appauled at the over reaction and the words that they were stating about me
when ....
the thought came...where is the truth in all of this? What is really going on? and Why now, and with this person? I was sadden to say the least and kept playing the email over and over in my mind.

After a night of sleep and prayer.... REVELATION came to both parties...GRACE!
We all need it and there has to be total forgiveness. To completely move on. We are going to have disagreements ...we are human nor perfected yet and we have to have GRACE and MERCY! WE have to...these are going to be difficult times and we need our friends. GRACE, MERCY and God's unconditional LOVE!
So as I pray today, another friend rec'd this, and I like this is the real point with any friendship. I love my friend and reguardless what we understand or misunderstand, we will be friends and friends forever...I would hate to ever lose that friendship of one that is so dear to my heart...for whatever reason!

Jesus was never afraid of being robbed by Judas;
He was concerned about losing him.
He loved Judas.
Even at the Last Supper, Jesus did not expose Judas for he knew Judas was starving for personal peace. In fact, he simply handed him a piece of bread as a way of saying to Judas to rethink his story.
Only someone with an exceptionally
healthy mind is capable of such an attitude and action.
No psychiatrist has ever had this level of maturity.
Is this Jesus in you?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Washing feet....

The Act of Foot-washing (vv. 3-5)
Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.
John’s rendition of the foot-washing story begins with a disclosure of Jesus’ identity as a prelude to the dramatic events that follow. Jesus is described as being conscious of his divine origin and destiny, and aware of divine plan of salvation entrusted to him by his Father. The giving of "all things into his hands" is not so much a question of universal authority as one of salvific mission, one that "could only be fulfilled through the agony, shame, and humiliation of the cross."1 John’s disclosure in v. 3 therefore indicates that Jesus knew who he was, what he had to do, and why he had to do it.
I was told one time by the Lord -
let me restate that the Lord impressed on me one time to wash feet at a caregroup that I attended.
I knew I had to do, I knew why and I knew that I was his daughter that was to be obeident in this assignment given.
Have you ever been to a foot washing?
It is a very powerful thing,
I love it!
I think that it is time for another foot washing with the body of Christ!
There is so much to it, and it is not the jester of just washing ones feet, but there is something to the care of taking ones foot into your hands, as you gently allow the warm water to flow over the foot, and as you massage the foot with loving hands it releases something.
I was told one time, as I was the one washing feet, that it was the most anointed, powerful act that this one person had ever experience. and the PRESENCE of the Lord was so strong that she wept the whole time. I understand, as I was weeping too, as I took her foot into my hands that started to shake from the presence and preceed to washing her foot...all with my expressing the great love that I had for her and had for each and every person in the room. It was a POWERFUL night.
There were some that couldn't recieve the love that was given,
and express how they were uncomfortable in allowing me to wash their feet.
However as the process began, there was a peaceful calm that came on them, and they enjoyed what God was doing inside of them, and later told of the healing they felt with each and every soothing touch of my hand on their foot. Gently washing, with great detail being givin' to wash with extra care this child of great value...this treasure...this anointed one that God was preparing.
it may be time to wash some feet!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I have been so angry this morning over some little things or conversations. As I feel that it puts me in a place, or reminds me of a time, that I have had great fear about ever having to endure that shame, humiliation, fear, hard work, and loneliness again. I become a lioness...fighting for the rights to her cubs or with that passion, as I state my case of memories and great hardship.

I had to think about all of this after a conversation with a dear friend. Well.. two friends actually, one on FB and the other via la phone....Then the thought came after I looked up a word that was suggested, that this is for your future not your past! It is going to be okay ...calm down! Just remember your on the cusp of this situation/circumstance, walk...!

By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D.
The emotion we call "anger" is a natural response to frustration, pain, loss or neediness. It may also occur out of "old habit" or imitation of an angry parent. Anger is what we label the biochemical/physiological response we experience when our wants and needs are not met, when we are blocked from pursuing our goals, when we are hurting either physically or emotionally, or when we have experienced a loss of some kind. Anger is a natural emotion and a powerful energizer.

a : a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) : turning point; also : edge, verge

I like the though "on the cusp of stardom".... Awe! You mean that even my fleshy nature when backed in a corner that surface could mean that I am actually on the cusp or threshold of change! REAL change? AND this could be historical? Wow!

Well thanks...for my reactions and for the word! NOW God you move and guide and lead! :D