Sunday, March 14, 2010

A woman inspired...

There is a blog that I get in my email called, "A Woman Inspired" (a place for women who are inspired to be used by him.)

I was reading it and I loved the thought of a woman be inspired! Repeat it maybe it will start to ring in your ear like it did mine!

How do we get inspired?

Lets back up and look for the definition as you know me and words...I just love to define them!

Main Entry: inspired
Function: adjective
: outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration Main Entry: in·spire

transitive verb
1 a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on c : to spur on : impel, motivate
2 a archaic : to breathe or blow into or upon b archaic : to infuse (as life) by breathing
3 a : to communicate to an agent supernaturally b : to draw forth or bring out
4 : inhale 1
5 a : bring about, occasion b : incite

intransitive verb
: inhale

Who do you inspire or who inspires you?

I continually get inspired by my friends emails and hearing their hearts...or words on a page! I found a blog that is titled,"Holy Experience"! And the thought jumped out at me, that is what I want...a Holy Experience and would inspire me to be more of a woman than I am. I want to know that in my lifetime that I have inspired someone in doing something that they would have normally not had the courage to do/or just plain and simple would have never done. As I have been inspired to do the same!

From the blog, "Holy Experience" were these words...learning gratitude-that JOY begins with one word: THANKS!

Okay...that is enough to inspire me today! I am grateful, and I thank the Lord for the Joy that only comes from HIM! I thank HIM for loving me in ways, I don't understand nor can even try to understand.

Again I ask, Who do you inspire or who inspires you?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

I was reading my devotion from David Wilkerson and the title was:

“God’s treasure is in Earthly Vessels”

I have included the message below as it is something that I believe we all need to think about. I know on a personal level that it is in my weakness that God has and does show up in miraculous ways to lead me closer to him and to my destiny. I have over the last couple of weeks felt that I have really missed the mark in my life. I have made choices over the years that I totally regret and wish I could turn the time back to undo. However, there is not a chance of that so to move on and beyond this moment and with a repented heart …I have to believe that I am God’s treasure in this “Earthly Vessel” that I am.

I have many weaknesses and have failed terribly in my life, but I know that my future is going to be so much more a blessing and full of HIS Fullness! Even in the last couple of months, I know that I have done things that I would not have done given the moment had I not been there at that moment in time…yet, I know that there was a reason for me to go down that path. I came out loving deeply, giving deeply, and hearing God in a way that I haven't heard him before. I cherish the time now knowing that in my weakness…..God shines forth! I am a better person for what I have experienced and now my journey will continue…with a love for God deeper than before knowing that “God’s treasure is really this weak Earthly Vessel I call me”…..I am thankful that he does not give up on me, stays with me, hears my cries, and is unconditionally loving me along the way.

“God’s treasure is in Earthly Vessels”

One of the most encouraging Scriptures in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 4:7:
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency of the
Power may be of God, and not of us.” Then Paul goes on to describe those
earthen vessels—dying men, troubled on every side, perplexed, persecuted,
cast down. And even though never forsaken or in despair, those men being used
by God are constantly under the burden of their bodies, waiting anxiously to be God mocks man’s power. He laughs at our egotistical efforts at being good. He
never uses the high and mighty but, instead, uses the weak things of this world
to confound the wise.

“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the
flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath
chosen the
foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak
things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And the base
things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and
things which are not…that no flesh should glory in his presence” (1
Corinthians 1:26-29).

Does that ever describe me! Weak thing—foolish thing—despised thing—a
base thing—not very noble—not very smart. Yet that is his perfect
plan—the greatest mystery on earth. God calls us in our weakness. He puts his
priceless treasure in these earthen vessels of ours because he delights in doing
the impossible with nothing.

I saw Israel Narvaez, former Mau Mau gang leader, kneel and receive Christ as
Lord. It was not just an emotional surface experience—he really meant it. But
Israel went back to the gang and ended up in prison, an accessory to murder. Did
God quit on him? Not for one moment! Today Israel is a minister of the gospel,
having accepted the love and forgiveness of a longsuffering Savior.

Have you failed? Is there a sin that so easily besets you? Do you feel like a
weakened coward, unable to get the victory over secret sin?
But with that
weakness in you, is there also a hunger for God? Do you yearn for him—love him—reach to him?
That hunger and thirst is the key to your victory. That
makes you different from all the others who have been guilty of failing God.
That sets you apart. You must keep that hunger alive. Keep thirsting after righteousness.

Never justify your weakness—never give in to it—and never
accept it as a part of your life.