Monday, April 12, 2010

Amazing Grace...

I have been reading other blogs and love how others express themselves with words...
I love how words play and make up an emotion or describe an object, setting and/or inner most part of ourselves....

I have also been helping a friend during their traumatic illness and have found that "GRACE" is what I need more of in my life! I am grateful that grace is new each and every morning, for I do truly need it daily and even more than I realize. I have also been learning during this time being selfless, to which I have had issues dealing with. I am not a selfless person (that doesn't mean that I am not a giving person...) have just realized how unselfless I truly am. Confession here ....maybe! I do have a heart that is so full of love and wants to help more yet, at the same, I need to know that I am making a difference. So you see, I am wanting something out of my effort that is not a selfless my eyes! A selfless person doesn't need that PAT on the BACK.... I do at times of helping, when it has gone into weeks of it!
I start thinking of my own sacrifice and not what I need to be doing, "unto the Lord if anything else!"

In helping my friend for weeks now, I have learned alot about them and their issues! YOU keep the good and let go of the rest and blow it away with grace! I love this person with my whole heart, and I pray for totally healing in every area of their life. I have wonderful memories to keep with me during my time here and I am sure that there will have many more throughout the years. I know that in my life, I have had to ask for that "Amazing Grace" on a continually bases, to which, I will also ask it for my friend and I will give it to them as unconditionally. Asking God for more grace along the do just that! Just being real here....I am not super woman nor do I think that I am.

I believe that this time in my life that God is doing an incredible work within me, and I have learned that it doesn't matter how old you are, GOD is still working within all of us if we allow HIM in. I thank HIM for his mercy and I am asking for that Amazing Grace to abound! This time has been a healing time for me here on a personal level as well. God is doing something here within my inner heart that only time will reveal the wholeness. More "Amazing Grace"!

So my dear friend, I give you my heart and I pray for that "AMAZING GRACE" for you today!