Sunday, October 3, 2010

Washing feet....

The Act of Foot-washing (vv. 3-5)
Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, got up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel that was tied around him.
John’s rendition of the foot-washing story begins with a disclosure of Jesus’ identity as a prelude to the dramatic events that follow. Jesus is described as being conscious of his divine origin and destiny, and aware of divine plan of salvation entrusted to him by his Father. The giving of "all things into his hands" is not so much a question of universal authority as one of salvific mission, one that "could only be fulfilled through the agony, shame, and humiliation of the cross."1 John’s disclosure in v. 3 therefore indicates that Jesus knew who he was, what he had to do, and why he had to do it.
I was told one time by the Lord -
let me restate that the Lord impressed on me one time to wash feet at a caregroup that I attended.
I knew I had to do, I knew why and I knew that I was his daughter that was to be obeident in this assignment given.
Have you ever been to a foot washing?
It is a very powerful thing,
I love it!
I think that it is time for another foot washing with the body of Christ!
There is so much to it, and it is not the jester of just washing ones feet, but there is something to the care of taking ones foot into your hands, as you gently allow the warm water to flow over the foot, and as you massage the foot with loving hands it releases something.
I was told one time, as I was the one washing feet, that it was the most anointed, powerful act that this one person had ever experience. and the PRESENCE of the Lord was so strong that she wept the whole time. I understand, as I was weeping too, as I took her foot into my hands that started to shake from the presence and preceed to washing her foot...all with my expressing the great love that I had for her and had for each and every person in the room. It was a POWERFUL night.
There were some that couldn't recieve the love that was given,
and express how they were uncomfortable in allowing me to wash their feet.
However as the process began, there was a peaceful calm that came on them, and they enjoyed what God was doing inside of them, and later told of the healing they felt with each and every soothing touch of my hand on their foot. Gently washing, with great detail being givin' to wash with extra care this child of great value...this treasure...this anointed one that God was preparing.
it may be time to wash some feet!

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