Security in the thought, that once one is given that cape, (the mantle, the coat of many colors, and jewels) and the nice tiara (A crown of royalty-VALUE) that -that would give me what I need to save the world or lets say be all that I was intended to be.
Interesting, that it would take that...(Cape, and Tiara-to feel of value or have the confidence or to think now, I have what it takes to do what I am called to do)
what is in the cape? what is it about a nice tiara?
: a sleeveless outer garment or part of a garment that fits closely at the neck and hangs loosely over the shoulders
: the short feathers covering the shoulders of a fowl
OK, that isn't it..must be more of a MANTLE or another word to think about is BLESSING!
Definition of MANTLE
a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak
b : a figurative cloak symbolizing preeminence or authority
AWE that is it!!!! And...
a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops
a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops
Examples of MANTLE
She accepted the mantle of leadership.
She accepted the mantle of leadership.
Definition of TIARA
: a 3-tiered crown worn by the pope
: a decorative jeweled or flowered headband or semicircle for formal wear by women
Origin of TIARA
Latin, royal Persian headdress, from Greek
First Known Use: 1616
: a 3-tiered crown worn by the pope
: a decorative jeweled or flowered headband or semicircle for formal wear by women
Origin of TIARA
Latin, royal Persian headdress, from Greek
First Known Use: 1616
There is some importance in knowing the cape/mantle/Tiara- that God has placed on us as his child when we excepted him. The BLESSING per say...WE need to be BLESSED with that ordination of being given the cape/mantle/Tiara - we are then given or equipped by human terms to full fill our destiny of maybe not saving the world, but lets say being more than we could have ever dreamed of. Making a huge difference in just our being alive to those around. Sharing the love of God in a way that people are not the same, lives are changed, they are healed of sickness, fears, insecurities, reunited with children gone astray, families that disowned them for whatever reason are rejoined...and they are even saved from themselves, they know as a child of the King who they are, they are blessed and then they in turn do the same...
REMEMBER that movie, " Pay it Forward"?
Not that we are paying it forward but listen, what if, we were allowed to bless say 5 people with anything and then they in turn did the same and so forth...Isnj't that God? What if I say to you right now that I have a cape/Mantle and for the women a Tiara to go with that Cape, and it is going to change your life, and you will change others as well...would you take it and do it? NO limit on resources... REALLY!!! I know! Could be interesting and exciting to see the outcome.
I dream of my Cape and Tiara,
to be all that I was called to be (and even save the world, or the world as I know it and live it!)
YOU my child are of great value and worth more than any rubies, silver, or gold...I have given you the authority through my son's name to do even GREATER things than what he did (JESUS)...
(did you hear that?)
OH YES!!! Dancing with my Cape and Tiara on! :D
Almost brings tears to my eyes...this is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I'm off to get my own cape and tiara...Thank you, Jesus.