We all have them whether, it is a converstation on the phone, email, or even Facebook. We as people, are subject to error even in the little things. Or we can say sometimes that others don't hear our true heart.
Have you been there?
Oh, now come on-
we all have at some point.
I re-act to the words that are being spoken when one is trying to express their point of view, that may be not all the truth! I don't have to agree or even try to defend my stand, but there are times when defending one's stand is necessary.
I am
like everyone else stating the verbage of the sinful man...
...my comments are
that is just BS, or REALLY NEED I say more?
you get the drill.
Right or Wrong
it is me reaction to someone else reacting to words that have been spoken. That is guys,
and how those WORDS can be taken correctly or incorrectly!
We are going to give life or death, according to scriptures with our tongue throught the words that are spoken. I recently had a discussion with a friend or let say a disagreement, that torn me up inside, as I could not believe what I was reading from their reaction to some simple flipit words that were being spoken by me. I was appauled at the over reaction and the words that they were stating about me
when ....
the thought came...where is the truth in all of this? What is really going on? and Why now, and with this person? I was sadden to say the least and kept playing the email over and over in my mind.
After a night of sleep and prayer.... REVELATION came to both parties...GRACE!
We all need it and there has to be total forgiveness. To completely move on. We are going to have disagreements ...we are human nor perfected yet and we have to have GRACE and MERCY! WE have to...these are going to be difficult times and we need our friends. GRACE, MERCY and God's unconditional LOVE!
So as I pray today, another friend rec'd this, and I like it...as this is the real point with any friendship. I love my friend and reguardless what we understand or misunderstand, we will be friends and friends forever...I would hate to ever lose that friendship of one that is so dear to my heart...for whatever reason!
Jesus was never afraid of being robbed by Judas;
He was concerned about losing him.
He loved Judas.
Even at the Last Supper, Jesus did not expose Judas for he knew Judas was starving for personal peace. In fact, he simply handed him a piece of bread as a way of saying to Judas to rethink his story.
Only someone with an exceptionally
healthy mind is capable of such an attitude and action.
No psychiatrist has ever had this level of maturity.
Is this Jesus in you?
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