spending time with friends!
I just had a couple of hours with my friend, Judy from Colorado Springs.
It was rich in conversation, and I wanted more time...
or lets say the time not to end, as it did so quickly.
It was great to see her and great to see how well she is.
Don't you love friends...
that you can really talk to...
get down to it....
let it all out ..
and know that it is okay?
I do!
I love the way the heart of a woman is made-
to give, listen, comfort, love, express, excite,
and grow from the experience being given.
I love my time with friends ...
friends that talk from their heart
and I can do the same.
I love that we need each other,
and we leave wanting more.
At least I do...
I want more time with other women,
whether I know them
as a new friend
old friends -
we all seem to pick up where we left off
and I love that we are able to do that.
I love how precious we are and how we are so unique.
All with our different gifts and beliefs, trying to be all that we can be...
I love that we all are of great value and belong...
To a wonderful circle of womanhood!
We grow together, share, express our fears, joys, and prayers....
We are fearless, loving, and real...most of all we are the real deal...
We feel for each other through our hurts, struggles, and surivial...
We give to one another
whether through an encouraging word,
a hug, our time, a meal, or even a gift or gifts...
As I have gotten older I cherish my time with my friends
and look forward to meeting with them again.
I thank God
for how
I am a very, very, very,
Blessed woman
to have friends...