So this is LOVE....
YOU can tell that I am on a roll here if you know read my FB too.
NO Really, you could blame this on a friend of mine as she is the one that has been praying for me and told me to watch Cinderella as she stated that is who I was...my life!
I don't have the movie Cinderella however, as I was pluggin away on youtube- I found the movie that I watched as a child was made in 1965.
Awe...the musical that I would watch year after year after year....and I would have the same excitement as I did the first time I would watch it. The dreaming young girl gazing into the eyes of her Prince....asking so this is LOVE?
You may be asking Deb. what is the deal with the flip-flops! OH the glass slipper remember the shoe that fit perfectly....I thought I would bring it into today and for me the flip-flops are perfect as it is so hot here and glass well ....would probably break from the heat. I wonder if my Prince is carrying around a flip-flop my size? I wonder if he knows that I am still waiting for him? I wonder alot of things...waiting for a PRINCE at the age of 52? I mean come on!!! It is not like you haven't been married ...even a couple of times! So what is the deal?
Well the deal or download is this...YOU keep on until you find HIM for REAL! Don't ever stop! It is okay and you know it doesn't matter the learning curve here! It is what it is and there are things that happen or we choose that we would have never if we had known! So there is a LEARNING curve through all of this. It is not a rescue deal or let me help you, it is a finding your bestfriend, one that you love and can love forever!
OKAY ...I hear you saying but Deb come on-some people met that right person and they are together forever! I know, I know! BUT you know I didn't -those are the facts! BUT I do hear that PRINCE even in the movie stating, "I was looking for you and now I have found you!" I believe it is never to late! I know that it will happen and he will come! I believe in MIRACLES!!!
I am ready
I will find HIM
that PRINCE that is!
I do!
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