Saturday, July 31, 2010


So this is LOVE....

YOU can tell that I am on a roll here if you know read my FB too.

NO Really, you could blame this on a friend of mine as she is the one that has been praying for me and told me to watch Cinderella as she stated that is who I life!
I don't have the movie Cinderella however, as I was pluggin away on youtube- I found the movie that I watched as a child was made in 1965.

Awe...the musical that I would watch year after year after year....and I would have the same excitement as I did the first time I would watch it. The dreaming young girl gazing into the eyes of her Prince....asking so this is LOVE?

You may be asking Deb. what is the deal with the flip-flops! OH the glass slipper remember the shoe that fit perfectly....I thought I would bring it into today and for me the flip-flops are perfect as it is so hot here and glass well ....would probably break from the heat. I wonder if my Prince is carrying around a flip-flop my size? I wonder if he knows that I am still waiting for him? I wonder alot of things...waiting for a PRINCE at the age of 52? I mean come on!!! It is not like you haven't been married ...even a couple of times! So what is the deal?
Well the deal or download is this...YOU keep on until you find HIM for REAL! Don't ever stop! It is okay and you know it doesn't matter the learning curve here! It is what it is and there are things that happen or we choose that we would have never if we had known! So there is a LEARNING curve through all of this. It is not a rescue deal or let me help you, it is a finding your bestfriend, one that you love and can love forever!
OKAY ...I hear you saying but Deb come on-some people met that right person and they are together forever! I know, I know! BUT you know I didn't -those are the facts! BUT I do hear that PRINCE even in the movie stating, "I was looking for you and now I have found you!" I believe it is never to late! I know that it will happen and he will come! I believe in MIRACLES!!!
I am ready
I will find HIM
that PRINCE that is!
I do!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Through the eyes of a child....

Having fun with my ...
granddaughter taking pictures
I wonder what she see through her eyes...
I wonder what she remembers
about our time together...
I wonder if she wants more...
I wonder if she knows how much
I love her...
I wonder if she knows
I love to look into her eyes...
I love to see the sparkle...
I love to see the blue...
I love to see more of her!

Only through the eyes of a child....
But I wonder.....

Friday, July 23, 2010

Drawn ...

Do you ever feel as if you are drawn in........
Yes, you could take that in different ways.
what I am talking about is being drawn in a picture that is real.
I am here Lord for real help me! ARE YOU there?
I feel as if I have been drawn in to this picture that
I am living and I need it to materialize to be real...
to move this to a different perspective.
So that others could really feel,
the real thing is!
are you getting it?
that is really me!
I am waiting LORD for you to do that MIRACLE in my life...
Just don't let me be
DRAWN in ...
let me live to the fullest!



I LOVE them... I love the freedom
I have to wiggle my toes!
It feels good...
to have your flip-flops on....
It makes sense in hot weather...
They come in different colors to coordinate with your outfits...
And some with major bling...
so tell me....WHAT IS NOT TO LIKE about FLIP-FLOP's?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Working thru it....


No Car

No Money

but thank you God the RENT is paid for another month!!!

I am working thru it.....

The problem with not having a car that others may not understand that

you are totally totally paralyzed..

you have totally lost any type of freedom you could have had.

And trust me other people do not understand nor do the care!!!

YOU have to deal with it ..

it is your issue not anyone else's...

so there isn't compassion when it comes to having hard luck?



because you believed a lie!

YES...I am still working thru it!


on a light note,

let me tell you what I did this weekend.






I do need to get a car at some point!

YOU know I am here, lonely, just needing a friend to talk to, and I am without a car to go anywhere and my family ...well they are busy!!!

So spending the 4th

I did something to entertain me!


I spent the rest of the 4th

on the phone with

Mark from CO  my real friend of 30 years...

texting each other talking about the fireworks!

He doesn't have a life either..

i THINK i am dealing very well......

Friday, July 2, 2010




Are these


I believe that they can be, depending on what or where you are at

during this time of your life.

As for me?

It is not like when Tinkerbell has you clapping because you believe...

I tear up at that movie as I love stories to bring great hope and miracles!

I am not trying to convince you ...

I really do believe!

I really do TRUST!

Are you asking who?

I believe and I trust in God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
I love the Lord with my whole heart!
I have known Him since I was a child..

I have come to a place in my life again,

where I am crying out to God,

with all that is within me....

Those deep heartfelt cries!

I am crying to the one that does mighty,


supernatural MIRACLES!

Oh come on..
I know you have been there too!

I am clinging to very hem of HIS garment,

for mercy and grace to abound.

For these five statements of faith

that I have been learning and repeating...

Thank you Beth Moore!


God is who he says He is


God can do what He says He can do


I am who God says I am


I can do all things through Christ


God's Word is Alive and Active in Me!

"I'm believing God"

I mean we are all walking a journey on this road of life.

With all the ups and downs, highs and lows, success and struggles.

We are all walking it out, maybe others are walking it better than most,

but we are walking.


Now in my life, I have to know WHO I am,

more than ever before..

Personal bits...

I have had this personal relationship with God for years.
Since the age of 9.
During the years past,
I have fallen' flat on my face,
been splattered,
been lied to,
made choices that I should have never ever gone there,

In spite of it all...
I know God loves me,
Is for me,
has my best interest at heart,
hears me,
wants to be with me,
likes me,
loves me more...
all the good and bad,
all my faults,
with all the flops,
messes and or misses
and my even my talents and gifts that I shelf...

HE loves me no matter where I am at...

I know that he is for me even in spite of "ME"!

I can have stinky thinking and HE loves me,

I can make a wrong choice, he loves me,

I can make right choices and

HE loves me!

He is for me and is my number one fan!

He is cheering for me daily!

HE knows me more than I know myself...
HE has my NUMBER!

I believe in HIM,

I believe in HIS word!

I know HE will come to help me!

I trust HIM!

HE is faithful!