Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday 30, 2009

Have you woke to one of those morning where you have to take a step back and say hold on! Let me get with you Lord, before we go one step futher...
As you ask for him to ordain your day, and each and every step you take from that moment on, you have a peace that comes over you, with some clarity. Okay, now it is time to make that step out of bed, and on to the kitchen for the next step of the day!


Please Lord, let me have coffee!

Yes, there is coffee, sugar and milk! Everything is running out or low and you just need to make it through today.

I know you have all been there. Right?

Actually, should I back up and give you the real lowdown on how my morning really started? Here goes...

Tuesday Morning...

Woke to Winston (my Yorkie) jumping all over me trying to wake me up for his usual morning outing.


how I did not want to get up so early! As I am laying here in bed thinking of all I need to get done today, my bladder tell me that I need to get up and quickly-so here I go running into the bathroom,-I continue my list of things that need to be done for the morning in my head.

Coffee is the number one thing on my list....

Please Lord; let me have coffee with milk and sugar! Please!

It is terrible when you need to go to the store and do not have the money until payday.

Actually, that check was already spent Debbie remember? RENT!

What are you going to do; as you are short...it is either you pay the bills that are going to be cut off or you pay rent.

Tell ME.... you have been here or are here, that it isn't just me going through this...Please!

Awe ...the stress of it!

Okay Debbie, just breath...one thing at a time!

First, you need to have coffee then you can think.

As I stumble into the kitchen to make the coffee, I notice that I am not able to get online...
Oh, has that cable company turned me off.? Oh No!...after I had arranged with them to be paid on the first! What part of the first do they not understand? Get your facts first...


Get the Coffee...do not vent yet until you are fully awake and coherent.

What good does it do to make arrangements when they turn you off the day before?

You are venting!


Ok enough, I will deal with that one at 8:00am -10 more minutes!



Whatever sanity one can have for the moment!

Two cups down third on the way, now calling the cable company...

Great, I am up and running! My daily routine is looking and applying for jobs I have to keep it going. So important to get it done early in the morning.

As I grab the strawberries out of the fridge for breakfast..

my thoughts race to what I should have done before getting out of bed....

As it looks like it could be one of those days...Lord help me!

"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not ot harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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