This is a place to come to share your heart, thoughts, or just What's Up! It is a place to write words that have meaning to encourage, help others, or share your life experience. So what's up?
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Moving...New Change!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
In a Photo!
I seem to think of family and memories of Thanksgiving pasted. This year is a bit different, as I will go to OKC to see mom, Mamadee and Daddybob, I have come to realize, just how time has flown by......they are getting older and now really looking older. It is so important to store the memories through pictures.
I found some pictures of the kids during the holidays and isn't it funny, how time really never seemed to of passed, when you are looking at a photo. I mean, I feel as if I jumped back in time, to the age the pictures was taken, and remember everything I can about that time, yet I know that the boys are years older now...
for that moment, I am back in time, seeing and hearing the world around, in the mind of my memories. How can one grasp the fact, that time runs quickly by, and we need to make as many memories as we can right at this moment!
I found another photo of Grandma and Granddad Evans, they are no longer here, but I can still look at the picture, and hear the sounds of their voice. I can hear Grandma calling Granddad..."Allen", she would say, and him sitting at the table stirring his coffee. I can see the heater all lit up and laying on the couch looking in the kitchen, pretending to not be awake, to hear what they had to say as they quietly stir in the kitchen.
I think now, if only I could have had more time with them yet, the memories are good of what I do have.
Memories of that old farmhouse have never left me, and I could draw you a picture of each and every room filling it with what I remember. Not that it was a house filled with fancy treasures, but it was a home filled with love, warmth, and you loved going there.
I even remember a time, that I was in the tub, and I heard Santa Claus say, "HO HO"! I couldn't get dressed quick enough…ran in and there was a doll and trunk filled with these beautiful clothes. I was told later, that grandma made all the dolls clothes…and I remember going to sleep upstairs by the stairway, and looking at my doll.
There were two rooms upstairs and one was my Aunt Marylou’s room with a closet that I thought was filled with puffy dresses! I loved to play in there… Oh, but that was a secret!
Let me not forget the bathroom off the kitchen with the daddy long leg spiders ….so scary for a young girl to have to use! Granddad would bring me these jumping beans and I would sit and watch them for what seemed to be hours and hours…
Grandma was so fun and full of life, and I learned so much when she was around crocheting, knitting, cooking. I can still see Granddad's smile and hear Grandma's voice calling my name now as I type…. and I just get all warm inside. I see Granddad making his jewelry or a fish lure or showing it to us as we were young.
Awe...then there was a black bowl with the pears in it by the phone in the kitchen. I will never forget how wonderful they smelled, or the fresh bread sitting on the cabinet. I remember.. the swing that I had on the tree, and how I would get to play on a table outside making my mud pies. Boy, those were the days, when we could just be in the fresh air, dream with our imagination, and be in your own little world.
I was so excited when Grandma would take me into town, and we would go to the drugstore for a chocolate coke, mom would get vanilla...Grandma was so proud, and would tell others, "these are my grandkids from TEXAS" I would hear her say, as if that was a big deal... BUT, it really was for her and her friends, to see us visiting.
Boy, I do miss them, and every now and then during the holidays, I remember.
Even through a simple little photo…I do remember!
So with Thanksgiving around the corner, this year make some memories for the child coming to see Grandma, or maybe just the child in you! Take a photo!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thank you Robert for your suggestion!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Getting Real
2 a : not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory : genuine
3 of a particle : capable of being detected — compare virtual 3
— re·al·ness noun
— for real 1 : in earnest : seriously
2 : genuine
3 : genuinely good or capable of success (as in competition)
Okay with this stated then lets look at getting seriously genuine.... I like that thought and it is time isn't it to be seriously genuine REAL with yourself and with God! I am ready to let it all go now. What do I have to lose in any of this....I only have him to trust now. Or should I say AGIAN I have only him to trust? After all the years of running where did it let me back to but the feet of Jesus and his face. Again Lord all I can ask is for forgiveness for not trusting that you are the one that can only supply all my needs. You are the only one that can show me true love, happiness and fullness of life. Why Lord do I miss trust YOU of all. Why do I run? Why do I come back?
Let this be a time of getting REAL seriously genuine before you...and never running again! So night as I think on all that you have done for me I am getting really genuine and serious before you ...renew me and I know how you love me and let me never forget YOUR love most of all.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
House with no LOVE....
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I have been on a trip …and how would I begin to tell you how my heart grieved upon seeing this for myself. Have you ever gone into a home where a family lives and yet it is stripped of love? Not to say that they don’t love each other …this is different there is no feeling of love in the home at all. Okay, you wonder what in the world are you talking about….You know we do have a spiritual side of life whether we want to believe it or not. I will tell you that spiritually the love within this home isn’t there. Yes, there has been a divorce and yet they are still a unit with the mom living in the home but in the basement. This is large home and I will tell you everyone would have their own space and living downstairs is just as nice as upstairs, of this 7 bedroom 6 bath home. Yet, the feeling of the lack of love is gone and there is a grieving that I felt the whole time I was there. I was praying one night and asked, “Lord, there is such a sadness within this home”…you know it doesn’t matter how much money you make, how big the house is, how beautifully decorated it is…a house without love is just that…empty. No warmth, comfort, joy, .and where is God in all of this? I had many questions and came with I would rather have nothing and love than everything and no love. Easier said that lived right? I do believe that it is the woman of the home that sets the mood, order, warmth, love of the home. Yet with today and both parents working it is difficult just to keep everything organized and flowing….yet, I see that even my son has the love in his home. Which by the way is an apartment as I have…There is great love and laughter…you enjoy being there and you love your visit. I on the other hand will say that I believe that I need to work on my home and the love within it. I know how to create the love, warmth and have it where people love to visit and stay. Can I tell you that as a couple the best things that you can do for each other is to love each other unconditionally….Really! Have a plan for grace, forgiveness and work on it. By the way, it is work…anything worth it is. I pray for this family and what is about to happen in their lives and I pray that much grace be given…Lord, I ask that you open your hands and loving arms and surround these beautiful children, mom and dad. I ask for restoration from within and that your love would fall on them, heal them, save them. Jesus Name! Amen!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Birthday today!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cool chill in the air...
"…but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,"
(Philippians 3:13, NLT)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you focused on forgetting what lies behind? I know many people don't fully understand what it means to forget the past. They wonder, "How can I forget something that's happened to me?" But one definition of the word forget means to disregard intentionally or to overlook. You have to intentionally disregard your past so that it doesn't keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as past failures. If we don't let go of the old, we'll never be able to embrace the new.
It doesn't matter what's happened in your history, it's time to forget what lies behind. Make the choice today to press forward. Trust that God has a better future in store for you. Trust that He's working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you press forward, you will move forward, and you will embrace the life of victory God has in store for you.
"Father in heaven, I choose to forget the past today. I don't want anything to hold me back from the future You have prepared for me. I choose forgiveness and ask that You help me by Your Spirit to press forward in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen"
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Just thoughts..
Monday, September 7, 2009
He is calling my name again!
I have heard this voice!
I know who it is!
However, today there is such clarity in hearing my name.
Hmmm... as I get up to hear again my thoughts are, what is it Lord?
I must say, that I love to hear my name being called, as I feel so loved when I hear HIS voice. I know that HE is thinking of me, and all I want to do is get into HIS presence and sit awhile. I want to just listen to what HE has to say.....I fall to my knees at times when I hear HIM calling, and I confess how I haven't spent enough time with HIM. I so desire to sit with HIM awhile, reflect on what needs to be seen and heard and even corrected.
Lord, why do we make it so hard to be with you? Are we afraid that you will tell us what we are doing wrong? Are we ashamed? Are we fearful? Or do we just not believe? Do we lack Faith?
I love to spend time with you and Lord, I want to be honest with you ...you know, have those heart to heart moments that keep me in check.
Yet, there are times that I honesty don't want to hear it or listen to what you might say. As I am afraid of what you have to say and what I might have to do.
You cover me so gently, Lord. So at this moment, I ask you to take me Lord, mold me, lead me, show me your plan. I want to know that you can hear me when I talk to you. Fill me with your peace, as only you can! Lord, thank you for calling my name! I do want to let go and let you work in me and through me.
You call me by my name.... and I all I can do is smile!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Woke to my dog, "Sir Winston" circling the bed needing to go outside...BUT at 4:00am? As I arose to the occasion, stumbling down the stairs to opening the front door letting both dogs out...I noticed how unusually warm it was outside. Oh Lord, it is only 4:00am, what does that mean for the rest of the day? I still do not like the hot, sticky days of Texas weather but that is life and I have to deal with it.
I have made it to Wednesday and the interview is at 10:00-as I pray for favor with this interview, I have this new sense of hope come alive within me when I think of the possibilities. This could be good and long overdue if I say so the job opportunity that is... The commute will be a pain but I think about getting the job first. Actually, just getting back into the workforce is a longing desire that is needed for my own sanity.
I had this thought or to state correctly a question? What refreshes you? For me I love to get that first word from my devotional. I love what Joel Osteen had to say this morning and thought I would share it. It seems so fitting with the interview coming up this morning! I feel so REFRESHED now to press on! Have a wonderful day! I will let you know the outcome!
"…Lift up now your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward;"(Genesis 13:14, AMP)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God has a place of victory in store for you today! You may be facing challenges. You may look around you and see impossible circumstances. In the natural, it may look like things won’t ever change, but God is saying today, “Quit looking at your circumstances and look up! Lift up your eyes of faith and look beyond where you are because there is victory as far as the eye can see!Your enemies may have some power today, but remember, our God is All Powerful! There’s no foe that can stand against Him. Those things you are facing are temporary, but God Almighty is eternal. He’s the God who flung the stars into space. He’s the God who spoke the world into existence. When He said, “Let there be light,” light came at 186,000 miles per second. That’s power and that’s the God we serve.
I encourage you to stand strong today. Keep believing because He is working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you lift your eyes to Him, as you focus on His goodness, He will guide you and direct you in the path of victory in every area of your life!
A PRAYER FOR TODAYHeavenly Father, today I choose to lift up my eyes of faith toward You. Thank You for surrounding me with Your goodness and mercy. Thank You for believing in me and for preparing a good future for me. Fill my heart with Your peace and confidence as I continue to trust You in every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday July 7, 2009
~ Leo Tolstoy ~ (Windows of my soul blog)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday 30, 2009
As you ask for him to ordain your day, and each and every step you take from that moment on, you have a peace that comes over you, with some clarity. Okay, now it is time to make that step out of bed, and on to the kitchen for the next step of the day!
Please Lord, let me have coffee!
Yes, there is coffee, sugar and milk! Everything is running out or low and you just need to make it through today.
I know you have all been there. Right?
Actually, should I back up and give you the real lowdown on how my morning really started? Here goes...
Tuesday Morning...
Woke to Winston (my Yorkie) jumping all over me trying to wake me up for his usual morning outing.
how I did not want to get up so early! As I am laying here in bed thinking of all I need to get done today, my bladder tell me that I need to get up and quickly-so here I go running into the bathroom,-I continue my list of things that need to be done for the morning in my head.
Coffee is the number one thing on my list....
Please Lord; let me have coffee with milk and sugar! Please!
It is terrible when you need to go to the store and do not have the money until payday.
Actually, that check was already spent Debbie remember? RENT!
What are you going to do; as you are short...it is either you pay the bills that are going to be cut off or you pay rent.
Tell ME.... you have been here or are here, that it isn't just me going through this...Please!
Awe ...the stress of it!
Okay Debbie, just breath...one thing at a time!
First, you need to have coffee then you can think.
As I stumble into the kitchen to make the coffee, I notice that I am not able to get online...
Oh, has that cable company turned me off.? Oh No!...after I had arranged with them to be paid on the first! What part of the first do they not understand? Get your facts first...
Get the Coffee...do not vent yet until you are fully awake and coherent.
What good does it do to make arrangements when they turn you off the day before?
You are venting!
Ok enough, I will deal with that one at 8:00am -10 more minutes!
Whatever sanity one can have for the moment!
Two cups down third on the way, now calling the cable company...
Great, I am up and running! My daily routine is looking and applying for jobs I have to keep it going. So important to get it done early in the morning.
As I grab the strawberries out of the fridge for breakfast..
my thoughts race to what I should have done before getting out of bed....
As it looks like it could be one of those days...Lord help me!
"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not ot harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009 5:53am
When I go to see my dad and mom Sharon in East Texas, I love to visit their church. It is small in comparison to the churches we have here in the Plano area however; it is a church with a BIG HEART. The congreration is made up of those that live in the area, which most are retirees. They have a young youth pastor and the day that I was there, he was leading the beginning of the service for the graduates. He spoke to hold on to the Lord and your beliefs as you go off to college or your life’s journey. There was a great emotion of love being poured out with the passion of his message to these students getting ready to make life’s journey.
A little after this the Senior Pastor was speaking, there was an elder man to my right that had passed out and immediately the medics were called, and as we waited for their arrival… My thoughts raced to the message from the youth pastor to the students, spoken just seconds before hand, the student got a real life visual of how precious life is and quick it could have ended. I think the message was hitting home in more ways than expected. I will never forget it, as I not only heard it but actually saw how in an instant it can change….
Today as you get ready to go to church or even if you do not attend church, my question to you today is, what are you holding on to or trusting in? Have you let go of the Lord and your beliefs? Are you holding steadfast to the one that loves you unconditionally?
I look forward to going back and visiting the little church and to hear another life impact message from the Lord…Have a wonderful Sunday, and know that you are truly love! Blessings!
Saturday, June 27, 2009

I am listening to music and thought what a wonderful day I have had and just how blessed I truly am. I love life and those that are in my life now. I have grown so much over the last couple of years in ways I don't understand yet, I know that I am not the same....I am better! I seem to love more, enjoy more, and laugh more! I mean how could you not smile at some beautiful big blue eyes calling you, grandma!
I am so blessed, and as I think about all I have, I have to say, "Lord, thank you! Just for this moment right now"! And to think about how you have poured your love over me...and allowed me to see what truly is important in life...relationships!!!
Image via Wikipedia
I am going outside and hitting the pool! So hot here in Texas today! I need a lazy river! LOL!