Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There is no place like HOME..

There is no place like HOME...

Where ever your home may be- there is no place like it!


It is a place that is safe...
A place where you can run around naked...
(REAL transparent)

A place where you let you hair down and
Are just you!

That is what I think home is...

A place where you spend time with yourself, you eat, drink, sleep, and hopefully entertain others with the love that you have created within the walls.

It is a place that you rest and rejuvenate....

Where you spend time with God...

A place in your heart that you dream of...

Homes come in different shapes and sizes...

And it is said that a home is where your heart is...

I believe it is a place that you love, laugh, cry, meditate, and reflect, grow, entertain, and love to come to!

As I said it is safe,

it is about you,

it is what you are or are becoming.

It is in your HEART!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Surprised by the fun way God gently does amazing healing....deep within?

AWE ...yes!

Funny how even the little things that you least expect,
would bring such wonderful freedom,



I love it!

Amazing things have happened this trip to Oklahoma...
all I can share is it could be a picture given,
or a hug when you least expect,
or the heart of another sharing to forgive them.
God you are so amazing
and never in a million
would I have thought
I would ever hear those words....

Surprised by the Power of God
to heal gently the heart that was so wounded
....years, and years
of the pain of it



Just like God....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Girl Time....Sweet!

One of my favorite things to do is to curl up in my bed with the blinds closed...under my pink satin trimmed blanket and watch a chic flick!

AWE ....yes!

The good life of dreams made into a movie

Where there is a woman -cute as a button, figure to die for, and personality we wish we could all have. Then the man is a dream, with a smile to swoon over and eyes that would make any woman fall deeply into!

The game of the hunt or foreplay of exciting conversation, dates, and laughs as they get to know each other. Now listen that isn't even the plot that is just the given with all chic flicks!

Not saying that the first touch of the hand doesn't make any woman have chills go up her back, as she is intrigue with the progression of the conversation or the date. Then the first can feel the heart beating fast, the anticipation of the warmth of his touch as he kisses your cheek or mouth. then the hug that never lets you go....hmmmm!

Awe...I love chick flicks! Have you ever pretended that you are the one playing the main part? As that is what every girl has dreamed at one time. We place ourselves in that time of space in the movie as we watch and dream of another time. Hoping for the outcome to be the best ever….

Today was that day…of me dreaming! Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and all will be okay and much better. BUT today I am allowing myself to dream, as I watch the movies and all the chic flicks I can find …

And they lived happy ever after….or so they say! I will let you know..:D

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Moving Mountains...

Do you ever just love the sound of God's voice?

Have you heard it? Do you hear it inside you?

It is soft, gentle, yet with GREAT AUTHORITY.
It moves Mountains,


how many of us need some MOUNTAINS to be MOVED?

I do! And let me tell you,


Not just a few...

we all have them

Mountains that is...
come on!

So today I need to hear God's voice

and gently
as he moves
speaks to those mountains in my life that need to be moved!

Oh and guess what I get to

speak to them too,

as HE tell me to speak to those mountains!

To be moved!


So today Lord I say to that mountain and/or Mountains to be moved in my life....

Thank you! Lord, for your Freedom,

to be me...

thank you that your arms are always opened wide,

you are my truth,


my love

I love being right here with you at this moment.

Thank you! Lord,

that the mountain is gone and will never come back from this day forth...

You are love,

you are life


you are my joy,


my peace
I love you so!

There is truly no where that I would rather be than right here with you.

What a great memory we have just made...
Moving those mountains!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010


After talking to a friend I was left with an assignment...

Don't you just love those type of friends? No seriously.....

Those that truly have your back, and know that maybe,

just maybe, there is a lesson to be learned here!

For those of you that know


don't know,

I am praying for a mate


in praying for that mate,

you pray that your mate would have certain desired traits....RIGHT?

BELOW are a few...

Unconditional, records no wrongs, forgives, gives, loves with passion, tender, merciful, grateful, hopeful, courageous, brave, forthright, honest, trustworthy, helpful, insightful, intuitive, peaceful. One that can give his whole heart and just live with that can love my children and grandchildren, as well as me! One that can make wonderful memories everyday, and even for the holidays, and one that I can grow old with as we hold each others hand, along this next journey of my life.

I know my heart is fixable,
from the past and hurts
I have had along the way.
I know that I have so much to give someone,
I am willing to learn and continue to grow.
So with that stated...
I hope everything is out there on the table,
the real, live me,
with a few bruises but huge heart
ready to do it again
only different
with a different
heart and focus...
desiring that...
