2 a : not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory : genuine
3 of a particle : capable of being detected — compare virtual 3
— re·al·ness noun
— for real 1 : in earnest : seriously
2 : genuine
3 : genuinely good or capable of success (as in competition)
Okay with this stated then lets look at getting seriously genuine.... I like that thought and it is time isn't it to be seriously genuine REAL with yourself and with God! I am ready to let it all go now. What do I have to lose in any of this....I only have him to trust now. Or should I say AGIAN I have only him to trust? After all the years of running where did it let me back to but the feet of Jesus and his face. Again Lord all I can ask is for forgiveness for not trusting that you are the one that can only supply all my needs. You are the only one that can show me true love, happiness and fullness of life. Why Lord do I miss trust YOU of all. Why do I run? Why do I come back?
Let this be a time of getting REAL seriously genuine before you...and never running again! So night as I think on all that you have done for me I am getting really genuine and serious before you ...renew me and I know how you love me and let me never forget YOUR love most of all.